Biology 10 Chapter 13 - Support and Movement - 19

Biology Class 10
1.    What is the correct about ligaments?

Biology Class 10
2.    The movements in bones are brought about by the contractions of.................?

Biology Class 10
3.    Skeletal muscles are attached to bones with the help of................?

Biology Class 10
4.    What can muscles do?

Biology Class 10
5.    One end of a skeletal muscle is always attached with some..................?

Biology Class 10
6.    One end of a always attached with some immoveable bone?

Biology Class 10
7.    What is the point called at which skeletal muscle is attached with some immoveable bone?

Biology Class 10
8.    Other end of a skeletal muscle is always attached with some..................?

Biology Class 10
9.    What is the point called at which skeletal muscle is attached with some moveable bone?

Biology Class 10
10.    When a muscle is stimulated by a nerve impulse, it contracts to become.................?

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