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Biology 10 Chapte 12 - Coordination and Control - 9
What is present on the top of medulla?
a) Thalamus
b) Cerebellum
c) Cerebrum
d) Pons
Which part of brain assists medulla in control breathing?
a) Hypothalamus
b) Cerebrum
c) Cerebellum
d) Pons
Which part of brain connects the cerebellum with spinal cord?
a) Pons
b) Cerebrum
c) Cerebellum
d) Thalamus
Spinal cord is in fact a tubular bundle of.................?
a) None of these
b) Nerves
c) Neurons
d) Capillaries
From where spinal cord starts?
a) From forebrain
b) From midbrain
c) From brain stem
d) From head
By which layer is spinal cord covered?
a) Ganglion
b) None of these
c) Nerve cells
d) Meninges
Which of the following protects the spinal cord?
a) Meninges
b) Vertebral column
c) Both b and c
d) Central canal
What is colour of matter of which outer region of spinal cord is made?
a) Blue
b) Purple
c) Grey
d) White
White matter contains...................?
a) Myelinated axons
b) No axons
c) Neuron cell bodies
d) Non-Myelinated axons
What is colour of matter of which central region of spinal cord is made?
a) Blue
b) Grey
c) Purple
d) White
Grey matter contains...................?
a) Myelinated axons
b) Non-Myelinated axons
c) No axons
d) Neuron cell bodies
Central region of spinal cord is ..............shaped?
a) Forebrain
b) Buttercup
c) Butterfly
d) Mustard plant
How many spinal nerves arise along spinal cord?
a) 30 pairs
b) 31 pairs
c) 32 pairs
d) 33 pairs
What is the nature of spinal nerves along spinal cord?
a) None of these
b) Mixed nerves
c) Sensory nerves
d) Motor nerves
How many roots of spinal nerves are at the point where a spinal nerve arises?
a) Three
b) Only one
c) Two
d) Four
What type of axons dorsal root contains?
a) Motor
b) Sensory
c) Mixed
d) Inter
Spinal cord is the continuation of..............?
a) Pons
b) Cerebellum
c) Cerebrum
d) Medulla oblongata
What is roughly the length of spinal cord?
a) 40cm
b) 54cm
c) 50cm
d) 44cm
What type of axons ventral root contains?
a) Motor
b) Mixed
c) Inter
d) Sensory
How many main functions spinal cord performs?
a) Five
b) Four
c) Three
d) Two
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