The first compound microscope was made in which of the following? The first compound microscope was developed in which year? The first compound microscope was developed by whom? The magnification power of first compound microscope was? Which of the following is increase in the apparent size of an object in microscopy? Which of the following is the measure of clarity of an image? Weight of potassium ion in normal chemical composition of urine is? Main symptom of kidney failure is?
In peritoneal dialysis the peritoneal cavity is lined with? Which type of dialysis must be done everyday? Haemodialysis treatments are typically given? In young roots the CO2 escape especially through? Oxygen is produced during day time due to? Extra water is removed from plant body by?
Marine Plants have broad leaves with a large number of stomata on their upper surface? Water loss from internal tissues is the adaptation of xerophytes? Water , Salt, Urea in sweat ARE metabolic wastes removed through body? Renal medulla consist of cone shaped Renal Pyramids? Bowman's capsule is called as functional unit of kidney?