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Chapter 18 Atomic and Nuclear Physics-30
Chernobyl is the city of.................?
a) Palestine
b) Washington
c) Russia
d) Israel
Which safety measures we should strictly follow for prevention from radioactive radiations?
a) The sources should only be handled with tongs and forceps
b) The user should use rubber gloves
c) Hands should be washed carefully after the experiment
d) All of these
Which safety measures we should strictly follow for prevention from radioactive radiations?
a) The user should use rubber gloves
b) All radioactive sources should be stored in thick lead containers
c) Never point a radioactive source towards a person
d) All of these
Which safety measures we should strictly follow for prevention from radioactive radiations?
a) All of these
b) Frequent visits to the radiation sensitive areas should be avoided
c) Hands should be washed carefully after the experiment
d) The user should use rubber gloves
In which containers, all radioactive sources should be stored?
a) Lead containers
b) Copper containers
c) Platinum containers
d) Aluminum containers
Which gloves should be used for prevention from radioactive radiations?
a) Wool gloves
b) Lead gloves
c) Rubber gloves
d) Cricket gloves
During the nuclear accident at......................, the explosion of the nuclear reactors melted through a few metres thick concrete housing?
a) Russia
b) Israel
c) Palestine
d) Washington
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