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Information and Communication Technology - 15
The basic operations performed by a computer are...................?
a) (b) Logical operations
b) (a) Both b and d
c) (d) Arithmetic operations
d) (c) Non-arithmetic operations
Which of the following are examples of softwares?
a) Windows operating system
b) Linux operating system
c) All of these
d) Word processing program
A computer which can send information in one thousandth billionth part of a second is called...............?
a) Digital computer
b) Dell computer
c) Super computer
d) Analogue computer
Which of the following are the most well known OS?
a) (d) APRs OS
b) (b) Windows OS
c) (c) Linux OS
d) (a) Both b and c
What is the most powerful and swift computer called which can send information in one thousand billionth part of a second?
a) APRs computers
b) Super computers
c) Linux computers
d) OS computers
Why computers are used in offices?
a) For rail reservation
b) For advance booking of rooms
c) For preparing letters
d) For diagnosing illness
What is the use of computers in offices?
a) For rail reservation
b) For preparing documents
c) For diagnosing illness
d) For advance booking of rooms
Why computers are used in offices?
a) For diagnosing illness
b) For advance booking of rooms
c) For preparing reports
d) For rail reservation
What is the use of computers in hotels?
a) For preparing reports
b) For advance booking of rooms
c) For rail reservation
d) For diagnosing illness
What is the software called that manages our computer and the devices connected to it?
a) Windows
b) APRs
c) Linux
d) OS
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