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Information and Communication Technology - 1
Which of the following are the main sources of contact now-a-days?
a) Telephone
b) Fax machines
c) All of these
d) Mobile phones
Which of the following are the main sources
a) All of these
b) Internet
c) Computer
d) Mobile phones
In computer terminology, what is the processed data called?
a) Information
b) Data
c) Communication
d) Technology
What is meant by information, in computer terminology?
a) Unprocessed data
b) Raw data
c) Processed data
d) Communicated data
Which device processes the data and converts it into useful information?
a) Computer
b) Radio
c) Microwaves
d) Television
In computer terminology information means..................?
a) Any data
b) Raw data
c) Large data
d) Processed data
In which of the following forms, processed data can be transmitted to distant places?
a) All of these
b) In the form of picture
c) In the form of computerized data
d) In the form of sound
Information and Communication Technology is a blend of ...............fields?
a) Four
b) Three
c) Two
d) One
What does ICT stand for?
a) Information and Communication Technology
b) Internet Control Technology
c) Informal Control Technology
d) Internet Communication Technology
ICT is a blend of ...............fields?
a) One
b) Four
c) Two
d) Three
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