Physics 10 Chapter 14 - Current and Electricity - 10

Physics Class 10
1.    Which of the following are examples of sources of e.m.f?

Physics Class 10
2.    Who developed the first electric battery?

Physics Class 10
3.    Which unit was named after Alessandro Volta?

Physics Class 10
4.    When a conductor is connected to a battery, current flows through it due to..............................?

Physics Class 10
5.    Who developed the voltaic pile?

Physics Class 10
6.    Who was Alessandro Volta?

Physics Class 10
7.    What is the date of death of Alessandro Volta?

Physics Class 10
8.    Which charges leave the positive terminal of the battery?

Physics Class 10
9.    Which charges reach the negative terminal of the battery?

Physics Class 10
10.    What is the energy called that is supplied by a battery to a unit positive charge when it flows through the closed circuit?

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